Small top-down shooter (mixed with elements of bullet hell and rhythm games) with emphasis on combining attacks and crafting weapons from parts dropped by enemies (wasn't fully implemented in time). You're a robot ascending giant tower, fighting your way through floors full of hostile robots, harvesting scrap to rebuild yourself.

Chrome-based browser is recommended to play. Playable only with keyboard and mouse. Has fullscreen option in the main menu. Don't shoot immediatly after entering focus mode, wait for the first beat - otherwise game will crash.

Known problems:

  • fullscreen doesn't always work in Firefox; usually switching it back and forth a few times helps;
  • focus mode beat might get out of sync - in that case you can rely on grid color pulsation;
  • audio may glitch - wasm-specific bug, seems to appear less frequently in Chrome;
  • to avoid being stuck in an enemy, move to the center before starting new level.

Source code (it's really messy), submitted version is tagged "jam":

All sounds are remixed from effects in Soniss GDC Bundle, except for beat sound and the one in the menu - these are made entirely by me.


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A lot of fun! Sometimes it hangs with panicked at 'overflow when subtracting durations', library/core/src/